Dentist Periodontal Services

Dentist Periodontal Services

Periodontal Services include Scaling and Root Planing or SRP and others related to perio.

D4341: Scaling and root planing – four or more teeth per quadrant. Some dental insurance allows only two quadrants per visit while some are 4 quads per visit.

Scaling and Root Planing (SRP) is often called as DEEP CLEANING. The dentist is required to make perio charting for billing purposes.

Periodontal scaling and root planing is a procedure that removes plaque, calculus, and bacteria from above and below the gumline on four or more teeth per quadrant. It is a critical procedure for those who have periodontitis to help prevent further gum mobility and tooth loss.

D4342: Scaling and root planing – one to three teeth per quadrant

Periodontal scaling and root planing is a procedure that removes plaque, calculus, and bacteria from above and below the gumline on one to three teeth per quadrant. It is a critical procedure for those who have periodontitis to help prevent further gum mobility and tooth loss.

D4910: Periodontal maintenance

Dental periodontal maintenance is a regimen of care for your teeth, gums, and bone for those who have active periodontitis. It involves a professional cleaning of your teeth and gums, and is typically rendered four times per year after a deep cleaning has been rendered.

D4355: Full mouth debridement to enable comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis

Full mouth debridement is mainly performed to “clear the way” for the ensuing comprehensive oral assessment by removing excessive plaque and calculus acting as barriers, preventing the dentist and hygienist from conducting a thorough examination of the mouth, teeth and gums.

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