Some say the yellowing is an indication that the teeth is strong and healthy. Is it true?

The short answer is NO! Here’s why.

The yellowing of teeth is because of Extrinsic and Intrinsic stain. Extrinsic stains affect the teeth on the surface level or the enamel.  The enamel can be stained easily but these stains can be cleaned. Smoking, coffees, tea, and chewing tobacco are the most prominent strainers, these things can easily stain the teeth. Dentist have a rule that, any food or drink that can stain clothes are likewise can stain your teeth.

Acidic foods and drinks are also bad for the teeth. As it erodes the enamel making it easier for pigments to attach onto the teeth.

On the other hand, intrinsic stains are stains that occur within the inner parts. These stains are more difficult to clean and remove.

Various prescriptions can cause inborn stains on teeth. On the off chance that kids take the anti-microbials antibiotic medication or doxycycline while their teeth are as yet creating (before the age of 8), their teeth may turn tanish yellow. Ladies who take antibiotic medication after the fourth month of pregnancy or while bosom bolstering, can make a youngster have stained infant teeth, as per the Mayo Clinic.

During adulthood, utilizing remedy quality mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, an exacerbate that can diminish microbes and treat gum disease (irritation of the gums), can cause darker stains on teeth. What’s more, the skin inflammation battling drug minocycline, a subordinate of antibiotic medication, stains teeth.

Experiencing chemotherapy medications just as radiation to the head and neck can bring about inborn stains. Indeed, even some generally regular medications, for example, antihistamines, antipsychotics and circulatory strain drugs can now and again yellow teeth.

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