Benefits of using Nitrous Oxide Sedation in Milpitas

What Is Nitrous Oxide and How Does It Work?
Laughing gas, commonly known as nitrous oxide, is a safe and effective conscious
sedative that has been used in dentistry for many years. This sedative does not render
the patient asleep, but it does assist them in being calm and composed while the dentist
does the treatment. The patient will be awake and responsive to the dentist’s questions
and instructions. It is administered to the patient by placing a tiny mask over the nose
and requiring the patient to breathe in nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen. The mask will
first emit oxygen before gradually increasing the dosage of nitrous oxide. The effects of
sedation will be felt nearly immediately by the patient. Throughout your treatment, the
doctor will keep an eye on you to ensure that you are safe and comfortable. When your
treatment is over, the nose mask will be removed, and the sedative effects will wear off
in a couple of minutes. This enables you to safely return home following your

What Are the Advantages of Nitrous Oxide?
The following are some of the several advantages of using nitrous oxide:
 Sedation levels can be modified to meet a patient’s specific needs.
 The gas has no lingering effects.
 Nitrous oxide inhalation is perfectly harmless, with no negative effects on your
heart or lungs.
 It works wonders when it comes to preventing gagging.
 The effects of nitrous oxide may begin as soon as it is inhaled. Its relaxing and
pain-relieving qualities start to show after just a few minutes.

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