About Us

Types of Dental Crown

Before your dental specialist do its thing for your teeth, alternatives are consistently there for you to pick upon.   What's more, before putting your crown you can pick of what dental crown you would need in your tooth.   Fundamentally, there are three kinds of dental crown.   Porcelain-intertwined to-metal (PFM)   This is so far the top-level of [...]

The most effective method to Clean Invisalign Retainer

Because of the pandemic, the entrance to the facility got troublesome. Be that as it may, we will keep on giving the assistance our patients need during this difficult time. Cleaning the Invisalign retainer needn’t bother with a lot and won’t consume your time so make a point to follow all the means to keep it clean. 1.       Rinse the […]

Oral Piercings: Risks and Safety

Art is an expression or an application of the creative skill and imagination. It can be painting, sculpting, tattoo, piercing, etc. Art has a wide scope and one that is related to the oral health is the oral piercing. While it is a way of expressing one’s self, it has its own risks that can affect the oral health if [...]

What to expect on first visit at Gorgeous Smile Dental

Booking your online appointment at Gorgeous Smile Dental is so easy. Just call the given numbers for our office in Newark or San Jose. After getting it done, a call or email will be delivered to you confirming the appointment in the next 24-72 hours. Another call or email will be delivered to remind the patient 24 hours before the [...]

Gleam quicker with GLO teeth whitening!

The force smile holds is inescapable. The miracles it bring for yourself and others are progressively significant relying upon how you wear that grin.   At Gorgeous Smile Dental, we flourish to give our patients the most recent medicines and innovation a dental specialist can offer to give the best outcomes.   In doing as such, our facility joined forces [...]

Zirconia Restorations

Used throughout the previous three decades for endodontic posts and implants, dental zirconia totally turned the dental world around in 2010 when full-zirconia reclamations came out.   In light of the innovation, zirconia turned into the two-in-one which the last can't give, it's characteristic looking and its solidness is certain.   Since these reconstructing endeavors can be made using CAD/CAM [...]

Periodontal Diseases and Treatment

One must not simply stress over the hole in the tooth yet additionally the soundness of the entire mouth. All aspects of the mouth is inclined to which are called periodontal ailments.   The gums, periodontal tendon and the alveolar bone are the parts around the teeth that regularly gets illnesses.   One of the basic contamination is gum disease [...]

Taking a Child to the Dentist

How old your child should be to make his/her first visit in a dental clinic? Well, you need to start them young. According to study, you can visit your dentist as soon as the first tooth of your child came out. This could be around one to two years old. Nothing will be done on the first few visits as [...]

Identifying the Types of Cracked Tooth

Enamel is the hardest part of our body containing the highest mineral. But all of us should know that despite its toughness, it can be destroyed. Activities such as contact sports without mouth guard can cause cracked tooth as well as tooth decays that weakens the enamel. Overall there are five types of cracked tooth and we will elaborate each [...]

Tips to Prevent Dental Decay

Too much consumption of sweet foods is the reason for tooth decay especially if the remains are not cleaned. It will soon form plaque due to the combination of acid, saliva, and bacteria that causes the destruction of the enamel as well as the inner part of the tooth. There are ways to prevent dental decay from happening. These simple [...]