How to Whiten the Teeth at Home

As the pandemic coronavirus continue to spread, especially in the United States, everyone is advised to stay at home also known as a lockdown. Businesses were closed except for goods and other essential needs. Since our clinic was one of the many businesses that was shut down temporarily, here are two ways you can do to keep your teeth sparkling as snow during this situation.


Use baking soda

                This is very common and can easily be found at home. Baking soda has its own properties to whiten the teeth and remove yellow stains.

                The higher the concentration used, the greater the effect. However, the result cannot be seen overnight. It’s all about the constant and proper usage.


Use apple cider vinegar

                This is known as a very effective disinfectant and can kills bacteria, however, for using it on teeth have its own risk. Using apple cider vinegar can soften the teeth because of its effect to the enamel,  thus, you can use this every other day or thrice a week to whiten the teeth.

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