Options for cracked tooth at Gorgeous Smile Dental

Cracked tooth is a common dental problem and as we mentioned earlier it has different types.

However, dentist also have several options to treat cracked tooth regardless of its type.

There are five ways to treat cracked tooth and these are by crowns, veneers, dental bonding, root canal and dental implant.

And hola! All of these services are available in our clinic, Gorgeous Smile Dental located in California.

Crowns and veneers have their own types as well. Patients can choose what they want, from budget friendly, long lasting and appearance.

Meanwhile, dental bonding is done when the tooth can no longer be saved. Extraction is needed before an artificial tooth is planted.

As for the root canal, the tooth can still be saved despite the crack reaching the pulp. A crown is needed after the operation to restore the appearance of the tooth.

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