What is Teledentistry?

In a simpler definition, teledentistry is the use of technology and communication for education, consultation, dental care and needs, etc.

The advancement in technology do wonders for all the aspects mentioned above as there are four methods and modalities teledentistry have.

  • Live Video (Synchronous)

This is done via audio-visual technology or commonly known as video call by the millennial. The two characters involve are the patient and the provider who is likely to give consultations.

  • Store-and-forward (Asynchronous)

This is transmitted via secured electronic communication system because information being transmitted are confidential like radiograph or digital impression of an x-ray.

  • mHealth

This is very common nowadays. Health education and promotions is being transmitted or done through the help of mobile devices like cellphones, tablets, or laptop.  

  • Remote Patient Monitoring

All health information is being collected in one location.

Teledentistry is very essential to make dentistry a little bit easier.

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