What are Cavities

What are cavities? And did you know that there are different types of it?
Tooth decay is referred to as “cavities.” Lifestyle, what we eat, how well we care for our
teeth, and the presence of fluoride in our water and toothpaste all have a role in dental
decay. Your teeth’s susceptibility to decay is also influenced by your genetics.

Cavities are more common in youngsters, although adults are equally susceptible.
Cavities come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
 .Cavities with Pits and Fissures
Pit and fissure cavities can be found on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. The back
teeth are the most commonly affected. Food particles or plaque that gets lodged in the
grooves and fissures on the top of the teeth can develop pit and fissure cavities.
Pit and fissure cavities are caused by stuck food and plaque, as well as inadequate
dental hygiene.
These sorts of cavities are simple to cure if found early. Fortunately, fluoride toothpaste
can swiftly eliminate an early pit and fissure cavity. However, after the cavity has
reached the dentin, the decay must be removed before the cavity may be treated.
Fillings or composites are required for a small or larger cavity. In addition, a big pit and
fissure cavity will almost certainly necessitate a crown. Both of these services are
available from your local dentist.

Cavities with a Smooth Surface
Smooth-surface cavities develop on the teeth’s smooth external surface. The teeth on
the sides of the mouth are the most usually affected. These are the slowest-growing
cavities, and they’re also the rarest.
Smooth surface cavities, such pit and fissure cavities, occur when people do not brush
properly or on a regular basis.
Dentists find it simplest to treat cavities with a smooth surface. Regular dental flossing
with the proper technique and fluoride-rich toothpaste should be enough to restore your
oral health.
Keep in mind that dental decay takes time to eat through the enamel on the smooth
surfaces of the teeth. The enamel is thickest in this area. However, if your cavity has
progressed this far, you’ll require a filling from your dentist.
 Cavities in the Roots
On the surface of the roots of the teeth are root cavities. They are most common in the
elderly. This is also the group with the highest rate of receding gums and other gum
The roots are revealed as the gums recede. As a result, they are susceptible to tooth
decay. This is due to the fact that they lack the strong, protective enamel that teeth
The first step in treating root cavities is to remove the deterioration. A filling or crown is
then used to fill the cavity. Root canal treatment may be recommended in extreme
cases where the rot has reached the pulp of the tooth.
Because the cementum that covers a tooth’s root isn’t as robust as enamel, the damage
caused by root cavities spreads swiftly. That is why it is critical to treat a root cavity as
soon as it is discovered.

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