Why Visit The Dentist Near Me

Dentist – Are you waiting for tooth decay before going to the dentist? Are you waiting for tooth pains before seeing the dentist near me for check up? That is a bad attitude. Never take any dentist for granted!

Read the reasons below!

Why should you see dentist regularly?

See Dentist regularly? Is it expensive? Waste of money and time? Well, this is the common questions among patients. They are taking the dentist for granted. Patients assume that they are wasting money and time which is a bad attitude.









What is 6 months or 12 months recall?

This is the system of any dentist that allows patient to see dentist every 6 months or 12 months. It is very seldom for 12 months. Most of the time, you need to see dentist every 6 months,

Recall is like a car maintenance. You are using your teeth every minute, every hour, every day. You cannot deny the fact that food debris or leftovers are residing in your teeth.



Six months vs twelve month recall? What is the best interval?

Honestly, there are many intervals you can choose from. However, dentist recommends the 6 months visit to dentist.

As what we have mentioned, our teeth is like a car that we use everyday. It is often overused or taken for granted.

A regular cleaning will keep your dental health in its optimum performance.

12 months recall

12 months recall

Why Six Month Recall is Important?

You may be wondering why we occasionally call you even though most of the times you’re not answering or you’re getting mad at it. Well, it’s time for you to understand why we are doing this.

There are many reasons or whys of visiting the dentist is important to you.

There was an old adage that said that “prevention is better than cure…” and a lot more quotes out there. These  sayings underscore the urgency of visiting the dentist regularly.

dentist benefits

dentist benefits

Do we do this to get more money from you? Definitely no! We are doing the “six month recall” because it is necessary for you to get checked every six months. Our priority in Gorgeous Smile Dental is your oral health and we made a vow on making it the most
important above anything else.

There are two very important parts of a dental visit every six months.

First, is the check up. Six months is a long time and if you’re not taking care of your oral health many issues may come up.

It is necessary to see the problems as early as
possible to avoid further complications, which means you’re also avoiding bigger bills.

Second, is the cleaning. Teeth cleaning at least every six months is very crucial to maintain the overall health and aesthetic of the teeth.

Some patients are coming back
every three to four months to get cleaned to keep it healthy and we want the same thing to you that’s why we’re doing the six month recall.
Don’t neglect this little visits because it will save you a lot of money in the future!



Here are some things you can do to keep your mouth healthy and your teeth strong so you can smile with no worries in this lifetime!


dentist tips

dentist tips

Even if you don’t have any natural teeth or use dentures, you should see your dentist at least once a year.

Maintain proper dental hygiene. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day and floss between your teeth once a day to keep dental plaque at bay.

Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and drink fluoridated water.

When functioning as a caregiver, assist older people with brushing and flossing their teeth if they are unable to do so on their own.

Tobacco products should not be used. Quit smoking if you’re a smoker.

Limit your intake of alcoholic beverages.

If your medicine causes dry mouth, talk to your doctor about switching to a different drug. If you can’t avoid dry mouth, drink plenty of water, chew sugarless gum, and stay away from smoke and alcohol.

If you notice a rapid change in your taste or smell, see your doctor or a dentist.

If you have diabetes, make an effort to keep it under control. Other
consequences, such as gum disease, will be reduced as a result. Gum disease
treatment may assist in lowering blood sugar levels.

Visit Gorgeous Smile Dental for more tips!


The signs that you need to know are very simple. Dental warning or signs of oral issues are very obvious and once you have them, immediately book an appointment to your dentist.

Any pain, discomfort, or other bothersome symptoms should mean a visit to the dentist.

However, if the symptoms are more pronounced or you are in pain, you may need to seek emergency dental care to make sure you are taken care of before the problem worsens.

It is tempting to put off your visit to the dentist in the hope that any problems can be resolved without treatment. But even if your symptoms aren’t particularly bothersome, it is important not to ignore dental warning signs.

The best way to avoid emergency appointments is to go for regular dental check-ups and hygiene appointments so that problems can be quickly identified before they cause discomfort or show symptoms.
At Gorgeous Smile Dental, we are more than honored to check and maintain your oral health.

So what are you waiting for? Call us now!

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