Month: August 2020

Dental Cleaning: How often it should be?

This is one of the most frequently asked question by patients but how often should dental cleaning really be? In most of the dental insurances there are guaranteed two free teeth cleaning in a year.    Dental cleaning should be done at least twice a year or every six months. However, you may also visit your dentist whenever you feel [...]

What are the most common dental problems?

We’ve been writing about different oral health problems and most of what we are tackling are the common ones.Although they are common, they are not good to have. It is still best to prevent any of those problems.To let you have a good grasp here are the most common dental problems.• Tooth decay or cavities• Mouth sores• Bad breath• Gum [...]

Ways to achieve gorgeous smile

Smile is very important and it is the one that most people often notice. There are ways to improve your smile and also the health of the teeth. Sparkling white and strong teeth are what we are always aiming. Here are some of the things you should do: Never neglect your dentist Always make sure to visit your dentist at [...]

Does wearing face mask can cause tooth decay?

As we continue to embrace a new normal under the current coronavirus pandemic, the threat of the disease is not the only one we should be afraid of. Recently, dentists reported a rise of patients with tooth decay and gum disease since wearing a mask became a requirement before going outside. How is it possible? When wearing a mask, most [...]

Is Mouthwash really Important?

We have been saying a lot of times that the basic protection for our oral health is to brush and floss properly and regularly. However, if you want to take that extra step in taking care of your teeth, mouthwash is very useful. Most mouthwash has fluoride, which will help keep our teeth strong and healthy. So is mouthwash really [...]

What is Teledentistry?

In a simpler definition, teledentistry is the use of technology and communication for education, consultation, dental care and needs, etc. The advancement in technology do wonders for all the aspects mentioned above as there are four methods and modalities teledentistry have. Live Video (Synchronous) This is done via audio-visual technology or commonly known as video call by the millennial. The [...]

Teeth Check: How many coffee should I take a day?

Having a coffee to start the day has always been a part of our routine, for most of us. We are also aware that coffee lovers have to refill the cup for more whether it’s during noon or late at night. But how many should you take per day to keep you away not only from diseases like ulcer, acidity [...]

Types of Dental Crown

Before your dental specialist do its thing for your teeth, alternatives are consistently there for you to pick upon.   What's more, before putting your crown you can pick of what dental crown you would need in your tooth.   Fundamentally, there are three kinds of dental crown.   Porcelain-intertwined to-metal (PFM)   This is so far the top-level of [...]

The most effective method to Clean Invisalign Retainer

Because of the pandemic, the entrance to the facility got troublesome. Be that as it may, we will keep on giving the assistance our patients need during this difficult time. Cleaning the Invisalign retainer needn’t bother with a lot and won’t consume your time so make a point to follow all the means to keep it clean. 1.       Rinse the […]

Oral Piercings: Risks and Safety

Art is an expression or an application of the creative skill and imagination. It can be painting, sculpting, tattoo, piercing, etc. Art has a wide scope and one that is related to the oral health is the oral piercing. While it is a way of expressing one’s self, it has its own risks that can affect the oral health if [...]