Month: March 2022

Teeth Whitening in Milpitas

One of the most popular dental procedures among the general public is tooth whitening.In response to the public’s desire for whiter, more faultless smiles, a variety of toothwhitening treatments have been available. These include products that can be used athome, such as toothpastes, gels, and films, as well as in-office systems that useextremely concentrated bleaching agents applied under professional supervision. […]

What are Cavities

What are cavities? And did you know that there are different types of it?Tooth decay is referred to as “cavities.” Lifestyle, what we eat, how well we care for ourteeth, and the presence of fluoride in our water and toothpaste all have a role in dentaldecay. Your teeth’s susceptibility to decay is also influenced by your genetics. Cavities are more […]

How to Save in Dental Discount Plan in Milpitas

If you don’t have dental insurance, a dental discount plan may be worth investigating.These dental discount programs aren’t insurance. They’re a form of membership that’scomparable to a warehouse club, but instead of getting discounts on groceries orapparel, you receive them on dental services.Members of discount plans pay an annual fee instead of monthly installments orpremiums, as they would with standard […]

Deductibles in Milpitas Dental Office

A dental insurance deductible is the amount you must pay before your dental planbegins to pay for approved dental services.Once every 12 months, your deductible amount is reset. Many dental insurancecompanies adhere to the calendar year (e.g.; January through December). Confirm thespecific dates with your dental plan provider.Annual dental insurance deductibles are divided into two categories:At the individual level, a […]

Why Kids needs to see Dentist early?

Early dental appointments instill in a youngster the importance of good oral hygiene. Achild who receives dental care early in life is more likely to have a positive attitudetoward oral health professionals and dental visits. Pregnant women who seek dentalcare are more likely to bring their children with them.Finding problems early is one of the goals of dental appointments. If […]

What is the Missing Tooth Clause?

The majority of dental insurance providers contain a missing tooth or replacementclause in their policy contracts. If your contract has a missing tooth clause, it indicatesthat if a tooth is lost before you purchase your new dental insurance plan, your newdental insurance company will not be responsible for replacing the tooth or covering theexpense of its replacement. If your contract […]

Benefits of using Nitrous Oxide Sedation in Milpitas

What Is Nitrous Oxide and How Does It Work?Laughing gas, commonly known as nitrous oxide, is a safe and effective conscioussedative that has been used in dentistry for many years. This sedative does not renderthe patient asleep, but it does assist them in being calm and composed while the dentistdoes the treatment. The patient will be awake and responsive to […]